Synopsis – ET: Evariki Thalavanchadu is an Indian Telugu language action movie filled with drama and thriller released on 10th March 2022. This movie is directed by Pandiraj and features Suriya, Priyanka Arul Mohan, Vinay Rai and Soori as lead characters. Based on the girls of the village die from suicide or accidents after falling in love, even police compaints will not result in anything.
This film teaches girls how to deal with stress in any situation filled with a lot of action and drama. The situation between hero and villain is challenging. This movie is a full power pack of action and drama for the mass audience.
Genre: Action, Thriller
Director: Pandiraj
Top-Cast: Suriya, Priyanka Arul Mohan, Vinay Rai and Soori
Writer: Pandiraj
Runtime: 2h 31m
Awards: N/A