The intense action drama “Animal,” starring Ranbir Kapoor and directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, roared into theaters in December, becoming a box office success despite stirring controversy among some critics and viewers. Now, fans can prepare to revisit the tumultuous father-son saga as it premieres on Netflix on January 26th.
Director Vanga had previously hinted at adding cut scenes to the OTT version, but with Netflix’s recent policy against extended cuts, it remains unclear if the digital release will offer any new footage.
A Story of Toxic Ties: Plot, Cast, and Crew
Vanga’s film dives deep into the dark, complex relationship between a son (Kapoor) grappling with anger and his emotionally manipulative father (Anil Kapoor). Released on December 1st, the film garnered praise for its raw performances and action sequences, while also receiving criticism for its graphic content and thematic intensity.
Joining Kapoor and Kapoor senior in pivotal roles are Bobby Deol, Tripthi Dimri, Charu Shankar, Babloo Prithviraj, and the veteran Shakti Kapoor. Bhushan Kumar, Pranay Reddy Vanga, Krishan Kumar, and Murad Khetani produce the film under the banners of T-Series and Bhadrakali Pictures, with Harshavardhan Rameshwar’s score adding to the film’s evocative atmosphere.
Mark your calendars for January 26th and prepare to immerse yourself in the raw and powerful world of “Animal” when it hits Netflix. Will the streaming version offer any surprises, or will it mirror the theatrical experience? Only time will tell.