Netflix has announced that the Hindi version of Rajamauli’s superhit action film RRR has placed at “the most popular film from India” on the streaming giant globally. The Hindi version of the blockbuster film arrived on Netflix on 20th May 2022 after two months of the theatrical release of this film. Till date, this film has been viewed for “over 45 million hours” from across the world. Through the tweet, Netflix has announced that RRR is the most popular film on Netflix around the world.
RRR was pegged as a pan India movie which is also available in Tamil, Malayalam and Kannada languages which portrayed a true story woven around two Indian revolutionaries in the 1920s. The audience was in incredible love for this movie and it collected around 1200 crore rupees from the box office. This movie portrays the action filled story of Alluri Sitarama Raju, and Komaran Bheem. The engaging storyline of this movie directed by Rajamouli is like a cherry on the cake in the success of this film.
Due to the appropriate star cast and the commendable performance of them, this movie received mostly positive reviews from the critics and the song Naacho Naacho (or Naatu Naatu in Telugu) was also trending on the internet at that time which was composed by MM Keeravani.
This film also stars Alia Bhatt and Ajay Devgn in the pivotal roles, and the film is available in various formats and qualities like IMAX, IMAX 3D, 3D, and Dolby Cinema.
Sarkaru Vaari Paata OTT Release: The OTT release of this film is held on 23rd June 2022, and this film is now available to watch on Amazon Prime Video as the digital rights of this film had already been sold to the OTT giant Amazon Prime Video.